Often used to protect against evil spirits, Mugwort is also believed to also dispel fatigue from travelers, aid in astral travel, dream magic and divination.
Mugwort is also know as Artemisia which is named after the Goddess Artemis. It is also one of the 9 Sacred Herbs given to the people by the Norse god Woden. The Druids also held Mugwort close and is considered sacred to Morrigan and Arwan.
When ritually smoked, it provides a calming effect that is said to aid in meditation. It is sacred to deities with a connection to midwifery / pregnancy / motherhood as it has a connection to the uterus. Please be aware to use caution if you are pregnant or looking to become pregnant as this herb has natural abortive properties as it relaxes the uterus.
1oz of cut mugwort ready for spell work, mojo bags, and rituals.
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